Mam grę oryginalną jak i pirata. Wszystko było ok, działały obydwie, aż padł mi zasilacz. Po wstawieniu nowego, po jakiejś 2-miesięcznej przerwie w graniu gra nie chce się ładować. Zaczyna się ładować, robi się czarny ekran i po chwili gdy normalnie pojawiało się menu główne gry wywala następujący komunikat:
gothic3.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCES_VIOLATION in module engine.dll at 001B:3016C233
Komunikat ten pojawia się w oknie o tytule Where is the guru?
Zmieniałem kartę graficzną, instalowałem na nowo grę, instalowałem na nowo grę czyszcząc wcześniej rejestr, wgrywałem nowe sterowniki do karty, instalowałem nowego directx, zmieniałem kości ram, próbowałem z piratem i różnymi crackami, instalowałem patche. I NIC nie zwojowałem. Instalując różne patche na oryginał czasami w oknie komunikatu zmieniał mi się ( chyba ) nr błędu z 001B:3016C233 na 001B: 3016A383. Na www nie znalazłem nigdzie rozwiązania, sam sobie nie radzę z tym. Jakieś podpowiedzi?
Płyta ASUS A7N8X-E eluxe, Athlon XP3200+, Ram Geil 2x512mb dual,Dyski WD RAptor w układzie raid 0,karta graficzna, sapphire ati radeon x800gto GDDR3 256mb 256-bit/ GeCube x1950XT GDDR3 256mb 256-bit, zasilacz nowy do tego tacens valeo smart 480W, na linii12V daje 384W.
Log z pliku z tego błędu:
Gothic3 Engine LogFile...
Username:M&M / Computername:MANDM
Date: Monday, July 14, 2008
Error main message:
in module Engine.dll at 001B:3016A383
eCCursor::eCCursor()+1187560 byte(s)
Registers and callstack:
001B:3016A383 (0x00C3EC08 0x1001E7E7 0x00400000 0x00000000) Engine.dll, eCCursor::eCCursor()+1187560 byte(s)
001B:1001E7E7 (0x00C3EC68 0x3006DE0C 0x00C3ECF4 0x00C3ECF4) SharedBase.dll, bCStretch::operator/=()+88732 byte(s)
EAX=FFFFFFFF EBX=100088B4 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=7FD705C8
EDI=00000001 EBP=00000000 ESP=00000008 EIP=00000000 FLG=00090286
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000
History log:
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Meshes' -> 'Data/Meshes', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Projects_compiled.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Projects, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Projects_compiled.p01 for folder:#G3:/Data/Projects, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Projects' -> 'Data/Projects_compiled', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Speedtrees' -> 'Data/Speedtrees', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Templates.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Templates, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Templates.p01 for folder:#G3:/Data/Templates, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Templates' -> 'Data/Templates', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Strings.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Strings, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Strings' -> 'Data/Strings', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/BrushPresets' -> 'Data/BrushPresets', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledAnimation.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledAnimation, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledAnimation' -> 'Data/_compiledAnimation', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledImage.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledImage, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/_compiledImage.p01 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledImage, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledImage' -> 'Data/_compiledImage', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledMaterial' -> 'Data/_compiledMaterial', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledMesh' -> 'Data/_compiledMesh', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledPhysic' -> 'Data/_compiledPhysic', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Scripts' -> 'Scripts', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Backup' -> 'Backup', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Snapshots' -> 'Snapshots', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/LogicalEditor' -> 'Data/LogicalEditor', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Video' -> 'Data/Video', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: C:\Program Files\Gothic III/Data/Music.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Music, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Music' -> 'Data/Music', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'SaveGame' -> 'SaveGame', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Speech_polish' -> 'Data/Speech_polish', Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardware information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Number of processors: 1, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Physical memory available: 536272896, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Virtual memory available: 2147352576, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
SSE available: 1, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
SSE2 available: 0, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
NX Flag available: 0, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
RDTSC Flag available: 1, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCConfigFilePhysFile::ReadFile - can´t open file: C:\Moje Dokumenty\gothic3\UserOptions.ini for read !
gCGameApp::AutoDetection Build user options with level LOW, Z:#472 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
in module Engine.dll at 001B:3016A383
eCCursor::eCCursor()+1187560 byte(s)
001B:3016A383 (0x00C3EC08 0x1001E7E7 0x00400000 0x00000000) Engine.dll, eCCursor::eCCursor()+1187560 byte(s)
001B:1001E7E7 (0x00C3EC68 0x3006DE0C 0x00C3ECF4 0x00C3ECF4) SharedBase.dll, bCStretch::operator/=()+88732 byte(s)
EAX=FFFFFFFF EBX=100088B4 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=7FD705C8
EDI=00000001 EBP=00000000 ESP=00000008 EIP=00000000 FLG=00090286
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000
Memory dump and statistics:
Memory statistics
---> memory allocation summary <---
Log created at: 01:57:36 PM
Zrzut ekranowy z komunikatem: